
SynAthina actively participates in international networks which exchange experience and knowledge, thus playing a leading part in a worldwide dialogue about innovation and the participation of citizens in local governance.

Creative Citizenship working group of the Eurocities Network

The Creative Citizenship working group was formed in May 2015 by an initiative of the City of Athens, as part of the network of elected representatives of European cities, Eurocities. Creative Citizenship is looking for ways for local governance to collaborate with citizens’ groups in order to face the challenges of modern cities. It explores how this collaboration encourages innovation, leads to immediate solutions for the city and upgrades local governance.

Urban Innovative Actions

Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an initiative of the European Union that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to
address urban challenges. In 2017, aided by synAthina, the City of Athens was distinguished for its proposal to form an innovative model for refugee inclusion through the implementation of the Curing the Limbo program.

Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayor's Challenge

In June 2014, synAthina participated in the Bloomberg Philanthropies foundation’s Mayor’s Challenge contest on the development of innovative ideas to face the challenges of modern cities and to make local governance more effective. Athens was among the top five participants (out of155) and was rewarded with the amount of 1 million Euros for the proposal of synAthina to evolve into a dynamic system of upgrading local governance by collaborating with citizens’ groups.

Social Dynamo

Social Dynamo is the fruit of the common vision of the Bodosakis Foundation and the City of Athens, via synAthina, for a dynamic civic society which will reinforce democratic institutions, promote participatory governance, and develop solidarity. Social Dynamo highlights and develops the potential of Non Governmental Organizations and engaged citizens’ groups, by providing them with knowledge and opportunities for collaboration and networking via a creative space, both actual and digital.
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