Citizens' activities
Do you organize socially beneficial activities which aim at improving the quality of life in the city? You can now upload them on our webpage and form a map which showcases the active citizens’ positive contribution to the challenges of the city.
This activities’ archive provides invaluable knowledge to the administration of the City, helps it stay in touch with the priorities of its citizens and coordinate with stakeholders of the civil society, in order to address the challenges of the city.
The synAthina team acknowledges the most impactful activities in the city and highlights the best practices. Through those practices, it also traces opportunities for collaboration and for the upgrade of the city administration. Every activity can become a lever of change!
The Athens We Need
→ ΔΕΙΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑInsight Out & Outreach events
→ ΔΕΙΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑIthaca Laundry Labour Empowerment Workshop
Ithaca Laundry Labour Empowerment Workshop